People everywhere deserve better access to reproductive health education.

On reproductive health and wellbeing topics, there's a ton of information out there, making it overwhelming to find what you really need.

At Babel, we work to simplify everything for you.

We gather the best learning and support resources out there, ensure their reliability, and create bite-size, visual education that is easy to navigate.

Menopause in the workplace (beta)

Menopause in the workplace (beta)

Babel is an early stage social enterprise, supported by UnLtd - The Foundation for Social Entrepreneurs with funds from the UK Millennium Commission.

Menopause in the Workplace: A Guide for Employers and Managers

Our first beta chapter focuses on everything related to menopause. Our handbook, Menopause in the Workplace: A Guide for Employers and Managers, provides straightforward checklists and bite-size answers to pressing questions on how to support employees experiencing menopause symptoms.

Beta means our work is still being tested and improved, so please bare with us as we grow to make your learning experience even better!

Current barriers to learning

Better women’s health education is needed …

  • 92%

    of women in the UK do not feel they have enough information on gynaecological conditions


  • 83%

    of women in the UK do not feel they have enough information on menstrual health


  • 7 out of 10

    health-related searches around “Is this normal?” relate to women’s bodies


  • Half

    of women (and even more men) can’t label where the vagina is on an anatomy drawing


  • 4 in 10

    adults struggle with health content for the public according to the NHS


  • 5%

    of UK national health spending is due to health literacy-related problems


… as well as professional training on reproductive health

  • 85%

    of UK working women feel stress or anxiety managing their period at work


  • 4%

    of employers provide menopause training to line managers, despite 14 million workdays lots to symptoms each year


  • £8.2 bn

    the cost to the UK economy of lost workdays and healthcare due to endometriosis


  • Half

    of UK employers do not have a policy in place for couples undergoing fertility treatment, despite 1 in 7 requiring it


  • 1 in 10

    mothers in a UK Government survey were discouraged from attending antenatal appointments by their employer


  • 1 in 5

    mothers said they had experienced harassment or negative comments related to pregnancy or flexible working from their employer and/or colleagues


Babel‘s Mission

Revolutionise the way people learn to manage their reproductive health by providing fun, interactive and accessible online education.

Babel‘s Vision

To be a global force in a world where everyone has equal access to accurate and empowering health education to make informed decisions throughout their reproductive journey.

Babel’s Values